Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend Webinar on Obesity, Diet Management & Nutrition Vancouver, Canada.

Day 1 :


Dr Pedro Pallangyo has completed his Master of Medicine in Internal Medicine and Master of Public Health from Muhimbili University, Tanzania and Dartmouth Medical School, USA. He is the director of Research and Training at the Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute in Tanzania. He has published more than 20 papers in reputable peer reviewed international journals. His key research interests are in NCDs particularly CVDs, nephrology, obesity and Public health. 



Background: Worldwide, the epidemiological and demographic transitions have resulted in nutrition shift characterized by an increased consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and energy-dense fast food products. In just over 3 decades, overweight and obesity rates have nearly tripled to currently affecting over a third of the global population. Notwithstanding the ever present under-nutrition burden, sub Saharan Africa (SSA) is witnessing a drastic escalation of overweight and obesity. We aimed to explore the prevalence and associated factors for obesity among residents of Dar es Salaam city in Tanzania. Methods: Participants from this study were recruited during a community screening conducted in Dar es Salaam. Sociodemographic and clinical data were gathered using a structured questionnaire during enrollment. Dietary habits, anthropometric measurements and blood pressure were assessed. All statistical analyses utilized STATA v11.0 software. Pearson Chi square and Student’s T-test were used to compare categorical and continuous variables respectively. Linear logistic regression analyses were used to assess for factors associated with BMI≥25.  All tests were 2-sided and p<0.05 was used to denote a statistical significance. Results: A total of 6691 participants were enrolled. The mean age was 43.1 years and males constituted 54.2% of all participants. Over two-thirds of participants were alcohol consumers and 6.9% had a positive smoking history. Eighty eight point three percent of participants were underactive, 4.7% had a history of diabetes mellitus and 18.1% were known to have elevated blood pressure. Overweight and obesity were observed in 34.8% and 32.4% of participants respectively. Among overweight and obese participants, 32.8% had a misperception of having a healthy weight. Age≥40, female sex, a current working status, habitual breakfast skipping, poor water intake, high soft drink consumption, regular fast food intake, low vegetable and fruit consumption, alcohol consumption and elevated blood pressure were found to be independent associated factors for obesity. Conclusions: A sizeable proportion of participants were overweight or obese. Concomitantly, the rates of physical inactivity and unhealthy eating are disproportionately high. In view of this, community-based and multilevel public health strategies to promote and maintain healthy eating and physical activity require an urgent step-up in urban Tanzania.


Keynote Forum

Alsuhaymi N

.Neuropharmacology and Neuroinflammation, School of Health and Biomedical Sciences, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Keynote: The effect of central administration of resistin or leptin alone and in combination on the activated catecholaminergic, serotonergic and orexinergic neurons in the brain of rats fed a normal diet vs. high fat diet

Time : 09:30-10:00


Dr. Naif ALSuhaymi  has completed his PhD at the age of 33 years from RMIT University. He is vice Dean of College Al Qunfudah health science at Umm Alqura University. He has published  




Adipose tissue plays a critical role in the regulation of endocrine and cardiovascular function by secretion of bioactive peptides called adipokines (e.g. Resistin, and leptin) that can act centrally to influence these functions. Resistin, and leptin have roles in cardiovascular function, feeding and energy balance; and can act in the brain nuclei known to be important for mediating these functions. Central sites of action for resistin are not well understood, in contrast to leptin. Moreover, in high fat diet (HFD), resistin and leptin are increased, but little is known regarding the interactions between these hormones in the brain. This work investigated the neurochemical content of the neurons activated by resistin and leptin alone or in combination. In this work the rats were divided into two groups with each group receiving either a HFD or a normal diet. Anaesthetized rats received ICV of saline (control), resistin or leptin alone or in combination. Three hours later, the brains were perfused and dual-label immunohistochemistry was performed to detect Fos protein and tyrosine hydroxylase  (TH, for catecholamines) or tryptophan hydroxylase (for serotonin) or orexin. In conclusion, following resistin and leptin ICV, there was activation of TH neurons in the PVN, NTS and RVLM and orexinergic neurons in the LHA. A HFD can reduce the sensitivity of TH neurons in the PVN and orexinergic neurons in the LHA. Thus, increased dietary fat can influence the responsiveness of some CNS pathways to resistin as well as leptin.


Keynote Forum

Mohan Kumar M

Department of Community and Family Medicine, Post Graduate Junior Resident, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India


Dr Mohan Kumar M is doing his Post Graduation in Community and Family Medicine at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur, India.



Malnutrition refers to deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in a person’s intake of energy and/or nutrients and can be the ground for both communicable and NCDs. Nutrition is essential and Energy Expenditure (EE) assessment in an individual’s daily routine is the key to it as both under nutrition and over nutrition are detrimental. Currently, an individual is categorised as sedentary/ moderate/ heavy worker based on the Metabolic Equivalents (METs) of the activity and the duration it is performed. MET values are given for the activity as such but using this to classify an individual sedentary or moderate or a heavy worker is not appropriate especially when duration of activity is less than 10 minutes. As there is no single effective tool available to calculate Total Energy Expenditure (TEE), a new concept was developed to calculate TEE using its 3 components Resting Energy Expenditure (REE), Activity Energy Expenditure (AEE) and Diet Induced Thermogenesis (DIT). (Copyright office, GOI Registration Number: L-84886/2019) Based on this concept, a simple android application has been developed, 24 hour Activity Recall Method abbreviated as “24 ARM”.


Keynote Forum



Keynote: Obesityincreasesyourriskofsevereilnessfrom Covid19risk.

IamdietitianNevinBORZAN.IfinishedUniversityofEasternMediterraneanin2019.Ilikeresearchingandimprovingmyself.Ihavereviewarticles. Theyareenteralparenteralnutrition,obesity,kefirandcocoaandcardiovasculerdisease.IwanttobespeakeryourWEBÄ°NARProject.Because; Iliketeachingsomethingtopeople.Becomingtalkeryournationalconferences;contributesgreatlytomydevelopment


Obesityisdefined;aschronicandseveredisease indevelopedanddevelopingcountries,affectingbothadultsand childrendisease.Coincidentwiththehighratesofobesity,the prevalenceofotherchronicdiseases.Obesityhasbecomea worldwideepidemic.TheWorldHealthOrganizationpredictsthat bytheyear2015,2.3billionadultswillbeoverweight (bodymassindex[BMI]≥25)with700millionbeingclassified asclinicallyobese(BMI≥30)(1).Obesityhasbeenlinkedto numeroushealthproblemsandchronicdiseases,includingtype 2diabetes,hypertension,dyslipidemia,certaincancers,and cardiovasculardiseases.Obesityhasbeenfurtherprojectedthat 60%oftheworld’spopulation,3.3billionpeople,couldbe overweightorobeseby2030ifrecenttrendscontinue.Thefirst humancasesofCOVID-19,thediseasecausedbythenovel coronaviruscausingCOVID-19,subsequentlynamedSARS-CoV-2 werefirstreportedbyofficialsinWuhanCity,China,inDecember 2019.Therearemanyfactorsthatincreasetheriskofsevereilnesses from Covid19.Somechronicdiseases,lowingimmünityand obesityincreaseyourrisk.Obesityhasbeenwellestablishedasa riskfactorforincreasedmorbidityandmortality;however,its effectsonsusceptibilitytoinfectionarejustbeginningtobe understood.Inthehospitalsetting,obesepatientsaremore likelytohavesecondaryinfectionsandcomplicationsdevelop, suchassepsis,pneumonia,bacteremia,andwoundand catheter-relatedinfections.PatientswithincreasedBMIand adiposityalsopresentahigherincidenceofsurgicalsiteinfections, whichhavebeenassociatedwithincreasedriskofotherwound complications,increasedlengthofstay,andincreasedriskofdeath. ObesityalsonegativelyaffectspulmonaryfunctionandBMIhas beencorrelatedtoincreasedsusceptibilitytocommunity-related respiratorytractinfections.Accordingtosomeofresearchers;higher BMI(>30)increasesyourriskofsevereilnesses from Covid19.Thebloodofpeoplewithobesityhasanincreased tendencytoclot—anespeciallygraveriskduringaninfectionthat, whensevere,independentlypeppersthesmallvesselsofthelungs withclots.Because;thevirusinjuresendothelialcells,which respondtotheinsultbyactivatingthecoagulationsystem