Sharon A. Phelan
The National Folk Theatre of Ireland
Dr. Sharon Phelan lectures in Physical Education and Dance at the Institute of Technology, in Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland. She has also danced with Siamsa Tire, The National Folk Theatre of Ireland, for over twenty-five years and she taught Physical Education in second level for a decade. Sharon is a National Facilitator in Dance with the Department of Education. She was responsible for the first dance syllabus at second level in Ireland and the first syllabi at degree level in Ireland. She has published academic works internationally on the use of dance from physical, educational and artistic perspectives. In 2014, her book, ‘Dance in Ireland: Steps, Stages and Stories’ was published by Cambridge Scholars Press. Her current areas of interest include supervision of dance research at masters and at doctoral levels and the use of distance learning in dance in third level. She is also completing another book, which focuses on Dance-in-Education from an all-inclusive perspective.
Research Interest
Sharon is a National Facilitator in Dance with the Department of Education. She was responsible for the first dance syllabus at second level in Ireland and the first syllabi at degree level in Ireland. She has published academic works internationally on the use of dance from physical, educational and artistic perspectives. In 2014,