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Renowned Speakers

Antonino De Lorenzo

University of Rome Tor Vergata, School of Medicine Italy

Christopher Fuzy

MS,RD LD/N Lifestyle Nutrition Inc USA

Rohit Kumar

International Modern Hospital, Dubai UAE

Lynn Romejko Jacobs

Professor and Chair Department of Applied Physiology and Wellness Annette Caldwell Simmons School of Education and Human Development Southern Methodist University USA USA

Ramesh Ghimire

Spatial Economics Research Scientist Research & Analytics Division USA

Tonia Mailow

Murray State University School of Nursing USA

Amira H. Mahmoud

Associate professor of geriatric medicine Ain shams university Egypt Egypt

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Obesity, Diet Management & Nutrition


June 06 - June 07, 2024 | Chicago,USA

Conference Series LLC Ltd welcomes you to attend the Obesity, Diet Management & Nutrition Conference to be held in Singapore City, Singapore on June 06-07, 2024The theme for the conference this year is Wellness Through Balanced Living: Nourish Your Body, Mind, and Soul

Details of Obesity 2023 Conferences in Singapore

Conference Name Place Date
Obesity-2024 Chicago, USA June 06-07, 2024


About the Conference

About Conference

Conference Series LLC LTD are delighted to welcome you to the 22nd International Conference on Obesity, Diet Management & Nutrition, scheduled to take place in the vibrant city of Chicago, USA, from June 06-07, 2024. This conference is your gateway to exploring the latest advancements in the fields of obesity research, diet management, and nutrition science. We are thrilled to invite you to this prestigious gathering of experts, researchers, and practitioners in the field of obesity, diet management, and nutrition.

Obesity remains a global health challenge of epidemic proportions, with far-reaching implications for individuals and societies. Against this backdrop, our conference theme seeks to illuminate innovative pathways toward healthier lives through a holistic approach to obesity, diet management, and nutrition.

The 22nd International Conference on Obesity, Diet Management & Nutrition is a premier event that aims to explore the latest advances and research findings in the fields of obesity, diet management, and nutrition. With a focus on promoting health and well-being, this conference provides an interdisciplinary platform for experts from around the world to share their knowledge, exchange ideas, and collaborate on innovative solutions to combat the global obesity epidemic.

Who can Attend and Why to Attend

  1. Individuals with Obesity or Weight Management Goals:

    • Why Attend: People who are overweight or obese may attend events or seek information on these topics to learn how to manage their weight, improve their health, and reduce the risks associated with obesity-related conditions.
  2. Parents and Caregivers:

    • Why Attend: Parents and caregivers may attend events to gain knowledge about proper nutrition for themselves and their families, as well as to learn how to prevent childhood obesity and promote healthy eating habits in children.
  3. Healthcare Professionals:

    • Why Attend: Doctors, nurses, dietitians, and other healthcare providers may attend conferences, seminars, or workshops to stay updated on the latest research, treatment options, and dietary guidelines related to obesity and nutrition. This knowledge helps them provide better care to their patients.
  4. Fitness and Nutrition Enthusiasts:

    • Why Attend: People interested in fitness, bodybuilding, or nutrition as a hobby or career may attend events to expand their knowledge about how diet and nutrition impact athletic performance and muscle gain.
  5. Educators and School Personnel:

    • Why Attend: Teachers, school nurses, and administrators might attend sessions related to childhood obesity and nutrition to implement healthier school meal programs and educate students about making nutritious choices.
  6. Corporate Wellness Programs:

    • Why Attend: Employers and employees may participate in workplace wellness programs or seminars on nutrition and weight management to promote healthier lifestyles among staff, reduce healthcare costs, and improve productivity.
  7. Community Organizations:

    • Why Attend: Nonprofit organizations and community groups often host events to raise awareness about obesity, nutrition, and diet management, providing valuable information and resources to their members and the community at large.
  8. Researchers and Scientists:

    • Why Attend: Researchers in the fields of obesity, dietetics, and nutrition attend conferences and seminars to present their findings, collaborate with peers, and stay informed about the latest developments in their respective fields.
  9. Individuals with Specific Health Concerns:

    • Why Attend: People with specific health conditions (e.g., diabetes, heart disease) may attend events to learn how diet and nutrition can help manage their conditions and improve their quality of life.
  10. Anyone Interested in Healthy Living:

    • Why Attend: Many individuals are simply interested in living a healthier lifestyle. They attend events to gain knowledge about making nutritious food choices, understanding food labels, and incorporating healthier habits into their daily lives.


Session 1: "Understanding the Obesity Epidemic: Causes, Trends, and Implications"

This session will set the stage for the conference by exploring the complex factors contributing to the global obesity epidemic. Participants will gain insights into the latest trends, prevalence rates, and the profound impact of obesity on public health and society.

Track 1: Obesity Trends and Global Impact

  • Explore the historical and current trends in obesity prevalence worldwide.
  • Investigate the socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental factors contributing to obesity.
  • Discuss the health and economic implications of the obesity epidemic.

Track 2: Public Health Strategies and Policies

  • Analyze public health policies and interventions aimed at addressing obesity.
  • Discuss the role of government initiatives, school programs, and community-based efforts.
  • Explore successful case studies of obesity prevention programs from different regions.

Session 2: "The Science of Obesity: Genetics, Physiology, and Metabolism"

This scientific session will delve into the underlying causes of obesity, focusing on genetics, physiology, and metabolism. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of how these factors influence an individual's susceptibility to obesity and their response to interventions.

Track 1: Genetic Determinants of Obesity

  • Examine the genetic factors that contribute to an individual's susceptibility to obesity.
  • Discuss recent breakthroughs in obesity genetics research.
  • Explore the potential for genetic testing in personalized obesity management.

Track 2: Metabolic Pathways and Hormonal Regulation

  • Explore the physiological processes and metabolic pathways involved in obesity.
  • Discuss the role of hormones, including leptin, insulin, and ghrelin.
  • Investigate emerging research on metabolic therapies for weight management.

Session 3: "Nutrition and Diet Strategies for Weight Management"

This session will provide a comprehensive overview of evidence-based nutrition and diet strategies for effective weight management. Experts will discuss the role of macronutrients, micronutrients, and dietary patterns, equipping attendees with practical knowledge to address obesity through dietary interventions

Track 1: Macronutrients and Dietary Patterns

  • Explore the impact of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats) on weight management.
  • Discuss evidence-based dietary patterns, including Mediterranean, low-carb, and plant-based diets.
  • Highlight nutritional strategies for sustainable weight loss and maintenance.

Track 2: Micronutrients and Nutritional Supplements

  • Examine the role of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) in obesity and metabolic health.
  • Discuss the use of nutritional supplements in supporting weight management goals.
  • Explore the science behind micronutrient deficiencies and their impact on obesity.

Session 4: "Behavioral Interventions and Psychology of Weight Management"

This session will explore the critical role of psychology in obesity management. Attendees will learn about the behavioral aspects of weight gain, including emotional eating and food addiction. Behavioral modification techniques, mindfulness, and cognitive-behavioral therapies will be discussed, along with real-world case studies of successful interventions.

Track 1: Behavioral Modification Techniques

  • Explore behavioral interventions for managing obesity, including cognitive-behavioral therapy.
  • Discuss strategies for changing eating behaviors, improving self-control, and reducing emotional eating.
  • Share success stories and best practices in behavioral weight management.

Track 2: Mindful Eating and Food Psychology

  • Examine the psychological factors contributing to obesity, such as food addiction and emotional eating.
  • Explore the concept of mindful eating and its role in promoting healthier food choices.
  • Discuss therapeutic approaches that address the psychological aspects of weight management.

Session 5: "Exercise, Physical Activity, and Weight Loss"

Physical activity is a cornerstone of weight management. In this session, experts will examine the impact of exercise on weight loss and overall health. Attendees will gain insights into effective exercise regimens, including aerobic and strength training, and the importance of a holistic approach to health through fitness.

Track 1: Exercise for Weight Management

  • Explore the impact of different types of exercise on weight loss and body composition.
  • Discuss effective exercise regimens for individuals with obesity.
  • Highlight the role of physical activity in maintaining weight loss and overall health.

Track 2: Holistic Health and Fitness

  • Discuss the importance of a holistic approach to health, encompassing nutrition, exercise, and mental well-being.
  • Explore fitness programs that prioritize overall health and fitness over weight loss alone.
  • Share case studies of individuals who achieved long-term success through a holistic lifestyle.

Session 6: "Childhood Obesity: Prevention and Intervention"

Childhood obesity is a pressing concern with long-term health consequences. This session will address the prevention and intervention strategies required to combat childhood obesity. Presentations will include school-based programs, parental involvement, and pediatric interventions, offering valuable insights for healthcare professionals and educators

Track 1: Pediatric Obesity Prevention

  • Examine strategies for preventing childhood obesity, including school-based programs and community initiatives.
  • Discuss the role of parental involvement in promoting healthy lifestyles for children.
  • Share successful models of pediatric obesity prevention from various regions.

Track 2: Pediatric Obesity Intervention

  • Explore evidence-based interventions for managing childhood obesity.
  • Discuss pediatric obesity clinics, multidisciplinary care, and family-centered approaches.
  • Share case studies of children who achieved improved health through obesity intervention programs.

Session 7: "Medical Interventions and Surgical Options for Obesity"

This session will provide an in-depth look at medical treatments, pharmacotherapy, and surgical interventions for obesity. Attendees will explore the criteria, benefits, and risks associated with bariatric surgery. Real-life patient experiences and post-surgical outcomes will be shared, offering a comprehensive perspective on these interventions.

Track 1: Medical Approaches to Obesity

  • Explore non-surgical medical treatments for obesity, including pharmacotherapy.
  • Discuss the mechanisms of action, efficacy, and safety profiles of obesity medications.
  • Share clinical insights and patient experiences with medical weight management.

Track 2: Bariatric Surgery and Post-Surgical Care

  • Delve into the criteria, benefits, and risks of bariatric surgery for severe obesity.
  • Discuss different surgical procedures, including gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy.
  • Share post-surgical care guidelines and long-term outcomes of bariatric surgery.

Session 8: "Nutrition Education and Public Health Campaigns"

Nutrition education and public health campaigns play a vital role in combating obesity. This session will showcase successful programs and community initiatives aimed at promoting healthy eating habits. Attendees will discuss the roles of healthcare providers, educators, and policymakers in driving positive change.

Track 1: Nutrition Education Programs

  • Showcase successful nutrition education programs in schools, communities, and healthcare settings.
  • Discuss effective strategies for improving nutrition literacy and fostering healthy eating behaviors.
  • Explore innovative approaches to nutrition education and outreach.

Track 2: Policymaking and Public Health Campaigns

  • Analyze the role of policymakers in promoting healthy nutrition and obesity prevention.
  • Discuss public health campaigns, including sugar reduction initiatives and food labeling.
  • Share insights on collaborative efforts between government, healthcare, and industry stakeholders.

Session 9: "Innovations in Digital Health and Mobile Apps for Weight Management"

Digital health technologies are transforming weight management. This session will explore the role of technology in supporting healthy behaviors, with a focus on mobile apps, wearables, and digital platforms. Attendees will hear about the latest innovations and successes in the digital health landscape.

Track 1: Digital Health Solutions for Weight Management

  • Explore the latest innovations in digital health technologies, wearables, and mobile apps.
  • Discuss how technology supports self-monitoring, behavior change, and personalized weight management.
  • Share success stories and challenges in the digital health landscape.

Track 2: Telehealth and Remote Coaching

  • Examine the role of telehealth in providing remote coaching and support for weight management.
  • Discuss telemedicine platforms, virtual coaching programs, and their impact on patient engagement.
  • Share case studies of successful telehealth interventions in weight management.

Session 10: "Nutrition and Diet in Special Populations"

Special populations have unique dietary considerations. In this session, experts will address the specific nutritional needs of groups such as seniors, pregnant women, and athletes. Tailored diet plans and nutritional guidance for individuals with specific health conditions will also be discussed.

Track 1: Senior Nutrition and Healthy Aging

  • Address the specific nutritional needs of seniors and the role of diet in healthy aging.
  • Discuss strategies for preventing age-related weight gain and promoting well-being in older adults.
  • Share dietary recommendations and best practices for senior nutrition.

Track 2: Nutrition for Pregnant Women and Athletes

  • Explore dietary considerations for pregnant women, including prenatal nutrition and weight management.
  • Discuss sports nutrition for athletes, emphasizing optimal performance and weight control.
  • Share expert guidance on tailoring diets to meet the unique needs of these special populations.

Session 11: "Obesity-Related Health Conditions: Prevention and Management"

Obesity is often linked to various health conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and sleep apnea. This session will focus on strategies for preventing and managing these comorbidities through nutrition, lifestyle changes, and weight management.

Track 1: Diabetes and Obesity Management

  • Examine the strong link between obesity and type 2 diabetes.
  • Discuss strategies for preventing and managing diabetes through weight management and nutrition.
  • Share clinical insights and success stories of individuals who achieved diabetes control through lifestyle changes.

Track 2: Cardiovascular Health and Obesity

  • Explore the impact of obesity on cardiovascular health and related conditions.
  • Discuss dietary approaches to managing cardiovascular risk factors, including hypertension and dyslipidemia.
  • Share case studies of individuals who improved their heart health through weight loss and nutrition.

Session 12: "The Future of Nutrition Science and Obesity Research"

Looking ahead, this forward-thinking session will explore the future of nutrition science and obesity research. Attendees will gain insights into cutting-edge research, emerging trends, and the potential of personalized nutrition and genomics in obesity management. Collaboration and idea-sharing among researchers and practitioners will be encouraged.

Track 1: Cutting-Edge Research in Nutrition and Obesity

  • Explore groundbreaking research in nutrition science, obesity genetics, and metabolic pathways.
  • Discuss emerging trends and potential breakthroughs in the field.
  • Encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing among researchers, scientists, and academicians.

Track 2: Personalized Nutrition and Genomics

  • Examine the potential of personalized nutrition and genomics in obesity management.
  • Discuss the role of genetic testing and individualized dietary plans in weight control.
  • Share insights on the integration of personalized approaches into clinical practice.

Session 13: "Case Studies and Success Stories in Weight Management"

In this inspirational session, attendees will have the opportunity to hear real-life case studies of individuals who successfully managed their weight through nutrition and lifestyle changes. These stories of transformation will offer practical strategies and motivation for others on their weight management journeys.

Track 1: Real-Life Weight Management Journeys

  • Showcase inspiring case studies of individuals who successfully managed their weight through diet and lifestyle changes.
  • Share personal stories of transformation, highlighting the challenges faced and the strategies that led to success.
  • Offer practical takeaways and motivation for others on similar journeys.

Track 2: Healthcare Provider Perspectives and Patient Outcomes

  • Hear from healthcare providers who have supported patients on their weight management journeys.
  • Discuss patient outcomes, challenges, and strategies for healthcare professionals.
  • Explore the collaborative relationship between patients and providers in achieving lasting weight management results.

Market Analysis

1. Obesity Market Analysis:

Market Size and Growth:

  • In 2021, the global obesity market was estimated to be valued at over $1 trillion, with a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of approximately 4-5%.
  • North America and Europe were significant contributors to the market, with obesity rates of around 36% and 25%, respectively.
  • Asia-Pacific, particularly China and India, experienced rapid growth in obesity rates, contributing to the global market's expansion.

Trends and Factors:

  • The prevalence of obesity has been steadily increasing, driven by factors such as sedentary lifestyles, poor dietary habits, and genetics.
  • Weight loss surgeries, anti-obesity medications, and lifestyle interventions have seen growth in demand.
  • Government initiatives promoting healthy lifestyles and addressing obesity as a public health concern.

2. Diet Management Market Analysis:

Market Size and Growth:

  • As of 2021, the global diet management market was estimated to be with a projected CAGR of around 6-7%.
  • Meal kit delivery services, dietary supplements, and nutrition apps were among the fastest-growing segments.
  • Online sales of diet management products and services experienced significant growth, with e-commerce accounting for approximately 30-40% of the market.

Trends and Factors:

  • Increasing health awareness and the desire for personalized diet plans have driven growth.
  • Technological advancements in nutrition tracking and meal planning apps have gained popularity.
  • The rise of special diets, such as keto, vegan, and gluten-free, has led to more tailored diet management offerings.

3. Nutrition Market Analysis:

Market Size and Growth:

  • In 2021, the global nutrition market was estimated to be with an expected CAGR of approximately 7-8%.
  • Functional foods, dietary supplements, and sports nutrition products were among the fastest-growing segments.
  • The Asia-Pacific region, particularly China and Japan, represented a significant portion of the global nutrition market, accounting for around 30-40% of total sales.

Trends and Factors:

  • Growing consumer interest in health and wellness has driven the demand for nutrition products.
  • An aging population has led to increased demand for specialized nutritional products for seniors.
  • Plant-based and organic nutrition products have gained popularity, with a market share of approximately 10-15%.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date June 06-07, 2024

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